News in Brief (3.11.14)
03 November 2014
UK: MPs to escape expenses investigations after paperwork destroyed by Parliament - House of Commons authorities have destroyed all evidence of MPs expenses' claims prior to 2010, meaning end of official investigations into scandal (Daily Telegraph, link)
Europe / Migrants: “Let them die, this is a good deterrence” – UN human rights expert (UN uman Rights, link)
Greece to give visa to Kurdish people (Kurdish Globe, link)
Parliaments must do more to ensure Strasbourg Court judgments are implemented (CoE, Parliamentary Assembly, link)
• EU:
Data protection tops the Commission's agenda (euractiv, link)
• EU:
Commission presidential race only interested 5% of European electorate (euractiv, link)
Boat sinks off Bosphorus; 24 dead, 7 rescued (New Europe, link):
"A boat carrying suspected migrants from Afghanistan and Syria sank Monday just north of the Bosphorus Strait off the coast of Istanbul, leaving at least 24 people dead. Seven people were rescued, Turkish authorities said."
Merkel: UK exit better than restricting free movement (euobserver, link)