EU: Joint Operation "Mos Maiorum": Day 5
17 October 2014
Media-Web coverage: update (17.10.14, pdf)
For reports see:
Refugees Welcome (link) and:
EU-Wide Police Operation 'Mos Maiorum' - What You Can Do (PICUM, link)
Mos Maiorum », une opération européenne anti-migrants hors normes - Pilotée par la présidence italienne de l’Union européenne, l’opération « Mos Maiorum » vise à appréhender des migrants en situation irrégulière pour collecter des données sur les réseaux de passeurs.(La Croix, link)
Die fragwürdige Jagd auf Flüchtlinge (Zeit Online, link)
Sponti gegen Mos Maiorum ( link):
"there was a spontaneous demonstration in Vienna. About 50 Teilnehmerinnen gathered from 16h front of St. Stephens, to protest against racist control, especially against the police operation "MOS Maiorum"." [translation] and:
Spontane Demonstration im Görli gegen Mos Maiorum (link)
WARNING: EU-wide police operation against refugees!!! emergency number for people facing problems when controlled in Berlin: 0151 12874001 (We will Rise, Berlin, link)
OPGELET: grote 15-daagse Europese controle-operatie tegen “illegale” migratie (No Border Network, link)
Lampedusa in Hamburg (link)
Background: Statewatch Analysis:
EU: Joint police operations target irregular migrants (pdf) by Chris Jones:
"The European Union is aiming to increase and formalise operational cooperation amongst law enforcement authorities. Significant effort is going into organising and carrying out joint police operations targeting irregular migrants."