Media/web coverage of "Mos Maiorum"
13 October 2014
EU launches Operation Mos Maiorum - European police on a two-week hunt for tens-of-thousands of 'irregular' migrants. (Aljazeera, link)
"Berlin, Germany - A massive police operation was launched by 25 European countries on Monday seeking to detect, detain and possibly deport tens-of-thousands of so-called "irregular" migrants.
During the 14-day Operation Mos Maiorum, some 20,000 police officers will stake out border crossings, railway stations, bus depots, and highways throughout Europe to apprehend so-called irregular migrants - people living clandestinely here without official documentation granting permission to stay.
EU officials say the operation is needed to combat human-smuggling rings and to gather information on smuggling routes. Rights groups, meanwhile, have denounced Mos Maiorum - a Latin term describing the unwritten code of laws and conduct in ancient Roman times - as inhumane....
These migrants are, in most cases, people who escaped dangerous homelands and are searching for safe and dignified living conditions, according to Karl Kopp, director of European affairs at ProAsyl, a German non-profit foundation. "Mos Maiorum is an anti-refugee operation," said Kopp. "Refugees are a target of this operation, let's be clear."
Frontex, Europol ou une police européenne en devenir (Paris Luttes.Info, link) and:
Opération Mos Maiorum : attention aux rafles dans toute l’Europe du 13 au 26 octobre (Paris Luttes.Info, link)
EU launches Operation Mos Maiorum (Yahoo News, link)
Mos Maiorum: de nuevo el discurso del miedo y la xenofobia institucional (link)
• Sweden:
EU-länders insats mot papperslösa kritiseras (Expressen, link): Confirms that Sweden is taking part in the operation.