01 September 2014
The EU summit (30 August 2014) demanded the proposed EU-PNR law be rushed through by the end of the year. See para 18 of the
Summit Conclusions (pdf). As with 7/7 and 9/11, this is a response to tragedies perpetrated by a dangerous group of people but which allows for the surveillance of travel by all in and out of the EU and (following a
UK demand in the Council and
Council reaction) the possibility of travel between EU states as well.
The second proposal has been on the table since 2011:
Commission proposal (pdf) See: Statewatch Observatory on the first attempt to introduce an EU-PNR scheme:
EU surveillance of passengers (EU-PNR: 2003-2008 and
Observatory on current EU-PNR proposal
See also:
G6 meeting leads to renewed calls for travel surveillance: Interior ministers from the G6 group of states met at the end of June in Barcelona to discuss the structure of the G6; terrorism and radicalisation; drug trafficking in the Atlantic; irregular migration to Europe; and relations between the EU and US. Records of the meeting show continued enthusiasm for an EU Passenger Name Record (PNR) system for the surveillance of transport.
April 2013:
The EP Committee rejects the proposal for an european passenger name record system (PNR) (ASFJNews, link)