05 February 2015
New rules on surveillance of "non-US persons":
NSA: (U) USSID: Supplemental Procedures for the collection, processing, retention and dissemination of Signals Intelligence information and data containing personal information of Non-United States Persons (pdf) and the
FBI (pdf) The NSA conducts surveillance and the CIA and FBI use the products.
Although the FBI does not conduct
"signals intelligence activities" it does handle "signals intelligence information in.. finished intelligence products" and
"The FBI will disseminate personal information of non-US persons collected pursuant to Section 702 of FISA" (Foreign Intelligence and Security Act). There are lots of very general caveats such as the information will only be used if:
"the information is relevant to an intelligence requirement or an authorized law enforcement activity"
See also:
White House New Data Spying Policy(Cryptome, link):
"Statement by Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa Monaco: Update on Implementation of Signals Intelligence Reform and Issuance of PPD-28."
Background: Statewatch analysis:
GCHQ is authorised to “spy on the world” but the UK Interception of Communications Commissioner says this is OK as it is “lawful” (pdf)