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- Mediterranean: Spain, France, Italy and Portugal: Papers from 'C4' defence and security conferences
Mediterranean: Spain, France, Italy and Portugal: Papers from 'C4' defence and security conferences
29 January 2015
The 'C4 Coloquim' is an "annual academic collaboration" that that discusses papers from the military studies academies of France (CHEM), Spain (CESEDEN), Italy (CASD) and Portugal (IDN) on the theme of "mutual trust and stability" in the Mediterannean, described as "the ultimate objective of the C4."
2012's theme was "The consequences of the Arab spring", with papers covering:
Illegal immigration
Defence cooperation with north African countries
Assistance in state building
Aid to economic and social development
Final report: C4 2012 theme: Consequences of Arab spring (pdf)
Webpage: XVII Edición de los Coloquios C4 2012 en Paris
2013 looked at "European defence: a challenge and a necessity for security in the Mediterranean", with papers on:
A hypothesis for a EU "Southern Strategy" (pdf)
The European Defence Pooling and Sharing: from words to deeds (pdf)
The contribution of European and national institutions to transitions in Northern Africa : towards the creation of a “nation support strategy” (pdf)
Maritime Security in the Mediterranean Sea as part of the EU Security Strategy (the pdf of this report available from the Spanish defence ministry's homepage is corrupted)
Webpage: XVIII Edición de los Coloquios C4 2013 en Roma
The 2014 conference, held in May, examined "The Mediterannean Southern Frontier: EU Strategies". Papers have not yet been made available.
Webpage: Se celebra la XIX edición de los Coloquios C4 en Madrid