Cybercriminal Darkode forum taken down through global action

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"This week, law enforcement and judicial authorities worldwide have taken down the most prolific English-speaking cybercriminal forum to date: Darkode. In an international coordinated action against the hacking forum and its users, investigators from all over the world targeted cybercriminals that were using the Darkode forum to trade and barter their hacking expertise, malware and botnets, and to find partners for their next spam runs or malware attacks."

See the full text: Cybercriminal Darkode forum taken down through global action (Europol press release, pdf)

See also: Criminal hacking bazaar Darkode is dismantled and 70 members are busted (Ars Technica, link) and: Dozens Nabbed in Takedown of Cybercrime Forum Darkode (Wired, link): "So far at least 12 people have been arrested in the US, and another 28 are known to have been arrested on Tuesday in Denmark, Germany, India, Israel, Romania, Sweden, and the UK"

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