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- EU: MED-CRISIS: ACP: Destroying boats is not a solution to migration
EU: MED-CRISIS: ACP: Destroying boats is not a solution to migration
23 May 2015
See the aricle:
ACP: Destroying boats is not a solution to migration (euractiv, link):
"The Secretary-General of the ACP (African, Caribbean and Pacific) group of states said yesterday (21 May) that his organisation was against the EU’s idea of destroying the boats of human traffickers, who make fortunes by luring prospective immigrants into risky journeys across the Mediterranean."
And see:
Twisting the 'lessons of history' to authorise unjustifiable violence: the Mediterranean crisis (Open Democracy, link):
"More than 300 slavery and migration scholars respond to those advocating for military force against migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean. This is no slave trade. Where is the moral justification for actions that cost lives?"
"The War on migrants and refugees: has the ‘never again’ imperative been forgotten?" (Franck Duvell, link):
"This imperative derived from the lessons learned from the Holocaust and the failure to rescue the European Jews has now been relinquished it seems. Are we now back at the moral state of the 1930s were unwanted populations are removed from the ‘realm of moral subjects’ (Bauman 1996) and killed or left to die and the needy are turned away and refused shelter?"