EU: Two-speed Europe is the future of enlarged EU, Juncker says
18 November 2015
"I think that, eventually, it will no longer be possible that 33, 34 or 35 states will proceed with the same speed and the same momentum in the same direction," Juncker said. His comments mark a clear departure from the line of the previous EU executive, led by Jose Manuel Barroso. Barroso opposed allowing a split within the EU and creating core and non-core EU countries - a two-speed Europe.
The EU now has 28 members. It is in negotiations to accept all the Balkan countries not already members and Turkey in the long term. Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland already apply most of the EU legislation, even though they are not members of the European Union, because it makes cooperation and trade with the large neighbour easier. Of the 28 EU countries, 19 share the euro currency and more laws and procedures than non-euro zone members. They have a banking union with a single bank supervisor, a bank resolution fund and a European deposit guarantee scheme."
See the full text:
Two-speed Europe is the future of enlarged EU, Juncker says (Reuters, link)