FRANCE-EU: What does a ‘state of emergency’ mean in France?
23 November 2015
"French President François Hollande was quick to declare a state of emergency in the wake of Friday’s bloody terror attacks in Paris. But what does the "etat d'urgence" mean for the country and its citizens as they go about their daily lives?"
See the article:
What does a ‘state of emergency’ mean in France? (France 24, link)
Mass raids after Paris attacks spark civil rights fears (Al Jazeera, link) and:
COP21 climate marches in Paris not authorised following attacks (The Guardian, link)
see also:
EU: Ministers commit to reinforcing Europol's counter-terror capabilities (press release, pdf):
"Following the horrific attacks in Paris on Friday 13 November, Europol continues to provide 24/7 support to the counter-terrorist investigations in France and Belgium. This includes following up investigative leads from Europol's intelligence databases, facilitating cooperation via Europol's in-house network of liaison officers from nearly 40 countries, and contributing specific expertise on various aspects of the case." and see: Point 7, 'Information sharing', of the 20 November
JHA Council conclusions on counter-terrorism (pdf)
Paris is being used to justify agendas that had nothing to do with the attack (Guarian, link):
"The Paris attackers weren’t Syrian, and they didn’t use encryption, but the US government is still using the carnage to justify attempts to ban them both"