EU: Council of the European Union: Visa Package - Draft Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Union Code on visas (Visa Code) (recast)

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"there are several outstanding issues, which are perceived as sensitive and for which political guidance from Ministers would help significantly to advance the discussions... - "The mandatory issuing of a multiple entry visa (MEV) valid for three or five years to

- VIS registered regular travellers (Art. 21(3) and (4))

- The deletion of the current Article 15 of the Visa Code providing for a travel medical insurance (TMI)

- The scope of the definition of “close relatives” of Union citizens (Art. 2(7))

- The issuing of visas at the external border under a temporary scheme (Art. 33)"

See the full text: Visa Package - Draft Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Union Code on visas (Visa Code) (recast) - Draft Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a touring visa (LIMITE doc no: 11858-15. pdf)

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