Council of Europe condemns EU's refugee deal with Turkey

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"Human rights body says agreement at worst breaks international law and progress on integrating refugees is ‘shamefully slow’...

The EU-Turkey agreement “at best strains and at worst exceeds the limits of what is permissible under European and international law”, states the report by the Dutch parliamentarian Tineke Strik. “Even on paper, it raises many serious questions of compatibility with basic norms on refugees’ and migrants’ rights. It has so far given every indication of being even more problematic in practice.”"
[emphasis added]

See the article: Council of Europe condemns EU's refugee deal with Turkey (Guardian, link)

And see the report by the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons: The situation of refugees and migrants under the EU-Turkey Agreement of 18 March 2016 (pdf). Rapporteur: Ms Tineke STRIK, Netherlands, Socialist Group.
And: Press release (link)

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