EU-USA: Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) Agreement: draft texts on review of the 2010 MLA Agreement

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"The documentation comprises three sections:

I) An introduction to the EU-US MLA Agreement (ANNEX I);
II) An assessment of the key provisions of the Agreement (ANNEX II);
III) Recommendations for improving the practical functioning of the Agreement (ANNEX III).

The Presidency intends discussing this documentation at the COPEN [Working Party on Cooperation in Criminal Matters] meeting on 13 April 2016. After passage through the appropriate bodies it is the intention of the Presidency that these documents will be agreed at the high level EU-US meeting in June."

See: Council of the European Union: Review of the 2010 EU-US MLA Agreement - Examination of draft texts (7403/16, pdf)

Also on EU-US cooperation: Council of the EU: Outcome of proceedings of the EU - US Justice and Home Affairs Senior Officials Meeting, 24-25 February 2016, Amsterdam (7188/16, pdf): Notes of discussions on migration and mobility, visas, security (counter-terrorism and -extremism, border control, TFTP), cybercrime, drugs, wildlife trafficking, data protection, criminal law cooperation, cooperation in international organisations, preparation for the next meeting (Amsterdam, 1-2 June 2016), Slovakian Council Presidency priorities.

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