EU: What’s DiEM25, really? Reply to an open letter by Souvlis & Mazzolini

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"If our analysis is correct (and I sincerely hope we are… wrong), we are at a moment in history very much like 1930. Just after the crisis (1929) and in the ‘early’ stages of a slide toward an abyss comprising deflation, xenophobia, hyper-nationalism, competitive devaluations, jingoism etc. What was the duty of progressives in 1930? It was, I suggest, to reach across party affiliations and borders to create a pan-European movement of democrats (radicals, liberals, even progressive conservatives) in opposition to the forces of evil. I very much fear that this is our duty today too." [emphasis added]

See the full text: What’s DiEM25, really? Reply to an open letter by Souvlis & Mazzolini (Open Democracy, link) by Yanis Varoufakis

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