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- EU: Council of the European Union: Justice and Home Affairs Council, 25 February 2015
EU: Council of the European Union: Justice and Home Affairs Council, 25 February 2015
25 February 2016
See the full text:
"B" Points Agenda (for discussion,pdf) and
Background Note (pdf)
Documents under discussion:
EU BORDER GUARD AGENCY: Council of the European Union:
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Border and Coast Guard and repealing Regulation (EC) No 2007/2004, Regulation (EC) No 863/2007 and Council Decision 2005/267/EC - State of play (LIMITE doc no: 6309-16, pdf) and see:
Re-draft (LIMITE doc no: 6319-16, pdf)
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation No 562/2006 (EC) as regards the reinforcement of checks against relevant databases at external borders (LIMITE doc on: 6310-16, pdf):
"It is noted that the changes vis-à-vis the Commission proposal in the attached text are demonstrated in underline. The text in relation to a possible derogation regarding air borders is put between square brackets for further consideration...
The compromise text set out in the Annex was at the JHA Counsellors meeting acceptable to a sufficient majority of delegations, with the exception of the possible derogation from systematic checks at air borders. Article 7(2d) of the text provides for such a derogation for air borders for a maximum period of three years. Several delegations were of the view that there should be no derogation possible for air borders, and that in any case three years was too long a period. Several other delegations continued to favour this derogation. The Presidency invites Coreper/Council to examine this last outstanding question with a view to the adoption of a general approach on the proposal at the February 2016 JHA Council." [emphasis added]
See previous docunments:
LIMITE doc no: 6181-16 (pdf) and
LIMITE doc no: 5808-16 (pdf) also
Commission Proposal (pdf)