EU: State-corporate cooperation: Public-private partnership on cybersecurity

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"The European Commission has announced that it will launch a public-private partnership (PPP) this year to bolster the continent’s cybersecurity industry, combining the expertise of the business world with government resources to make the transition to a digital EU economy safer and more secure.

Indeed, PPPs have emerged as a highly effective vehicle for tackling complex socioeconomic challenges and they hold perhaps the greatest promise in low- and middle-income countries, where governments are increasingly open to international collaborations with industry.

Yet, success is far from assured. For every PPP that makes progress, dozens more are fraught from the start. A new study provides valuable insights into some large-scale international PPPs conducted in recent years. European leaders could benefit from these learnings as they work to strengthen cybersecurity and deepen the impact of Europe’s extensive development work around the world."

See: A fresh look at public-private partnerships (EurActiv, link) and: European Commission: Public consultation on the public-private partnership on cybersecurity and possible accompanying measures (link). The consultation closes on 11 March 2016.

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