UNDERCOVER POLICING: Interview, public meeting and new play
01 February 2016
‘We wanted to make the police accountable’ (The Justice Gap, link):
"In 2011, Kate Wilson was one of eight women who sued the Metropolitan Police after the women discovered that they had been deceived into long-term relationships with undercover police officers. At the High Court earlier this month, the police withdrew their defence in respect of Wilson’s claims for deceit, assault, misfeasance in public office and negligence. Despite that apparent victory, the women’s struggle for state accountability continues."
London, 26 February 2016:
Public meeting: Big Brother – Who’s Watching You? Mark Jenner meeting (COPS, link):
"The Special Demonstration Squad’s Mark Jenner was deployed using the name Mark Cassidy.
The Undercover Research Group’s extensive profile of Jenner shows the range of issues he spied on – anti-racist campaigns, trade unions, Irish republicanism and Hackney community campaigns. He chaired meetings, wrote articles and instigated action.
Why was he there?"
Useful timeline to accompany new play in Nottingham about the undercover policing scandal:
A timeline of lies and deceit (Nottingham Playhouse, link):
"This February, our world premiere production of Any Means Necessary opens, inspired by real-life events. Kefi Chadwick was inspired to write the play after reading news stories about the exposure of an undercover police officer living amongst activists in Nottingham back in 2012...
The revelations in this case date as far back as 1968, affecting many people, and having ramifications across the justice system. Familiarise yourself with the facts behind this national scandal with our timeline of key events below. You don’t need to know all of this information to enjoy Any Means Necessary, but it’s a fascinating insight into the impact of this story."