EU: Council of the European Union: Counter-terrorism, Mutual evaluation and C-T information sharing

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- Amending the Framework Decision on terrorism: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating terrorism and replacing Council Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA on combating terrorism - Comparison table (LIMITE doc no: 15279-15, pdf):

"delegations will find attached in the Annex a table outlining the new elements introduced by the Commission proposal compared to the existing EU rules in this area." (Column 2)

- Presidency's initiative for the improvement of the follow-up to the evaluation mechanism foreseen in Joint Action 97/827/JHA (LIMITE doc no: 15538-15, pdf):

Member States agree to continue using an old legal instrument - a Joint Action adopted in June 1997 (under the Maastricht Treaty) which allows EU Member States to "mutually" evaluate each other without any reference to parliaments:

"to mutually evaluate the application and implementation at national level of the European Union and other international instruments and undertakings in criminal matters as well as ensuing national law, policies and practices".

and see: Member State responses: Compilation of replies to the questionnaire (LIMITE doc no: 13082-15, 72 pages, pdf)

- Information sharing on Counter-Terrorism (LIMITE doc no: 14911-15, pdf): "Information on the percentage of persons checked against the relevant databases on all EU external borders is available only for some MS, and it is unsatisfactory: between 1,5 and 34 % of persons enjoying the right to free movement have been checked (Switzerland checks 100 %)."

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