EU: Moving On: One Year Alarmphone
25 January 2016
"Everything is possible, everything can be transformed by strong social movements! Through our Alarm Phone project and during this incredible year of successful struggles for the freedom of movement, we learned this lesson once again.
The different contributions in this brochure reflect on many remarkable experiences made by Alarm Phone members in the project’s first year of existence. Most of its articles were composed by working groups or individual members of our transnational network and are thus reflective of the decentralised character of the Alarm Phone and its collaborative approach. We have grown into a network of more than 100 activists who belong to various groups, have multiple backgrounds, and live in cities all over Europe, northern Africa and elsewhere."
See the full text:
Moving On: One Year Alarmphone (pdf, 7MB)
See: more documentation, news and analysis:
Refugee crisis: latest news from across Europe (25.1.16)