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- The Dublin Regulation: Is the End Nigh? Where should unaccompanied children apply for asylum?
The Dublin Regulation: Is the End Nigh? Where should unaccompanied children apply for asylum?
22 January 2016
"Two recent developments have raised controversy as regards the EU’s Dublin III Regulation, the set of rules which determines in which Member State asylum-seekers must make their asylum application. First of all, a British judgment yesterday stated that the UK was responsible for the asylum claims by unaccompanied children in France (in particular the Calais ‘Jungle’), who have a family member in the UK. Secondly, a press report indicated that the Commission is planning to propose a fundamental overhaul of the Dublin rules in the near future. Both developments have alarmed some commentators, but thrilled others. I will examine the legal and political context of each of them in turn."
See the full text:
The Dublin Regulation: Is the End Nigh? Where should unaccompanied children apply for asylum? (EU Law Analysis, link)
The British court case regarding Calais:
Syrian teenagers in Calais win UK asylum ruling (BBC News, link) and:
Four Syrian refugees must be brought from Calais camp to Britain, judges rule (The Guardian, link)
Changes to the Dublin rules:
How the EU plans to overhaul ‘Dublin regulation’ on asylum claims (Financial Times, link) and:
UK lobbies against plan to scrap EU's Dublin regulations (The Guardian, link)
And see:
Refugee crisis: latest news from across Europe (22.1.16)