EU-USA: PRIVACY SHIELD: Adoption coming soon
30 June 2016
"The European Commission has sent the final draft of the EU-US Privacy Shield to national representatives and expect to get a yay or nay next Monday with a view to “adopting the implementing act” one day later on July 5.
Sources from the Article 31 group told Ars last week that they did not want to be rushed, but the Commission clearly has other ideas. The text, seen by Ars, has also been sent to the European Parliament who can give their opinion, but can’t actually block it."
EU-US Privacy Shield sent to national reps for approval—by next week (Ars Technica, link) and: European Commission:
Draft Implementing Decision (link)
At least one national government - Slovenia - is unconvinced by the text of the current agreement:
Govt believe EU-US data transfer pact faulty (STA, link):
"Ljubljana, 30 June - The government expressed on Thursday reservations about the EU-US data transfer pact Privacy Shield, stressing that major concerns had not been addressed, including the extent of data processing and efficient supervision."
Background: USA: Letter:
"Over the last two and a half years, in the context of negotiations for the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, the United States has provided substantial information about the operation of U.S. Intelligence Community signals intelligence collection activity. This has included information about the governing legal framework, the multi-layered oversight of those activities, the extensive transparency about those activities, and the overall protections for privacy and civil liberties, in order to assist the European Commission in making a determination about the adequacy of those protections as they relate to the national security exception to the Privacy Shield principles. This document summarizes the information that has been provided."