UK: Facing Data Deluge, Secret U.K. Spying Report Warned of Intelligence Failure

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"A secret report warned that British spies may have put lives at risk because their surveillance systems were sweeping up more data than could be analyzed, leading them to miss clues to possible security threats.

The concern was sent to top British government officials in an explosive classified document, which outlined methods being developed by the United Kingdom’s domestic intelligence agency to covertly monitor internet communications.

The Security Service, also known as MI5, had become the “principal collector and exploiter” of digital communications within the U.K., the eight-page report noted, but the agency’s surveillance capabilities had “grown significantly over the last few years.”

MI5 “can currently collect (whether itself or through partners …) significantly more than it is able to exploit fully,” the report warned. “This creates a real risk of ‘intelligence failure’ i.e. from the Service being unable to access potentially life-saving intelligence from data that it has already collected.”"

See: Facing Data Deluge, Secret U.K. Spying Report Warned of Intelligence Failure (The Intercept, link)

And see the documents from the Snowden archive: Digint Narrative and Digint Imbalance (The Intercept, links)

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