01 March 2016
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- Counter Terrorism Directive: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating terrorism and replacing Council Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA on combating terrorism [First reading] - General approach (6655-16, pdf):
"The Council is invited to reach a general approach on the text, as set out in the Annex, which will constitute the basis for future negotiations with the European Parliament in the context of the ordinary legislative procedure. Changes compared to the Commission proposal are marked in bold."
- EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator: State of play on implementation of the statement of the Members of the European Council of 12 February 2015, the JHA Council Conclusions of 20 November 2015, and the Conclusions of the European Council of 18 December 2015 (LIMITE doc no: 6450-16, pdf):
"information sharing still does not reflect the threat: while there are now five times more person entities in Europol's Focal Point Travellers database compared with last year, the analysis file still contains only 2,786 verified foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) entered by EU Member States.
The European Information System (EIS) contains only 1,473 FTF entered by Member States. This despite well-founded estimates that around 5,000 EU citizens have travelled to Syria and Iraq to join DAESH and other extremist groups. It should also be noted that more than 90% of the contributions by Member States regarding verified FTFs in FP Travellers in 2015 originate from just 5 Member States."
- Checks at external borders: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 as regards the reinforcement of checks against relevant databases at external borders - General approach (6673-16, pdf):
"The changes vis-à-vis the Commission proposal are highlighted in underline."
- EU Border Guards: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Border and Coast Guard and repealing Regulation (EC) No 2007/2004, Regulation (EC) No 863/2007 and Council Decision 2005/267/EC (LIMITE doc no: 6746-16, dated 3 March 2016, pdf): "It is noted that the new (vis-à-vis doc. 6483/16) proposed changes are highlighted in bold, underline and strikethrough."
- EU Border Guards: As above 6483-16 (LIMITE doc, pdf):
"The most recent compromise suggestions reflecting the discussions so far on these provisions and the relevant contributions by delegations are highlighted in bold/underline/strikethrough; the compromise suggestions which had been submitted by the Presidency in previous discussions are marked with underline."
- EU Border Guards: As above: 6359-REV-1-16 (pdf):
"the Presidency believes that the compromise text included in the Annex and in 6283/16 and 6330/16 has a sufficient degree of support by delegations. It invites the Committee to confirm this with a view to preparing the upcoming negotiations with the European Parliament on this file."
- Declaration agreed by Croatia, Slovenia and Austria: Conference "Managing Migration Together", Vienna, 24 February 2016 (6481-16, pdf)
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