The Investigatory Powers Bill Is Unfit for Parliament
13 March 2016
"here's a long history to state surveillance, going all the way back to Thomas Cromwell, of Wolf Hall fame. However, the levels of intrusion used to be extremely limited, simply because so much effort is needed to intercept and steam open letters, that it could only be done on people who were genuinely under suspicion. These days, with more of our lives being lived online, not only can we collect more information on more people than ever before, but it is far more intrusive. The contents of your phone probably reveal far more about you than any letters you write.
And so we should all be very concerned when the Home Office demands access to much more of our information. The problem isn't about people who are under suspicion of a crime; we can all agree that it is right to monitor such people, with appropriate safeguards. But it's different when it comes to keeping track of every website that we visit regardless of suspicion as proposed in the new Investigatory Powers Bill to be debated in Parliament this week."
See the article:
The Investigatory Powers Bill Is Unfit for Parliament (The Huffington Post, link)
For a detailed overview, see:
House of Commons Library briefing paper: Investigatory Powers Bill (pdf). Background documentation:
Draft Investigatory Powers Bill: official documents (Statewatch Database)