UK: UNDERCOVER POLICING: As inquiry hearings on secrecy approach, campaigners release new briefings

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Police Spies Out of Lives have produced two new briefings on issues related to secrecy and openness a the Pitchford Inquiry, which is due to examien the undercover police work in England and Wales since 1968:

  • Secrets beyond lies: the police and state's requests for secrecy (pdf). An overview of the secrecy requests made by the police and state bodies to the Public Inquiry into Undercover Policing.
  • Open Inquiry, Open Justice (pdf). A guide to the submission by non-police non-state Core Participants [those affected directly by undercover police officers, campaign groups, and so on] to the Public Inquiry into Undercover Policing, in response to police and state requests for secrecy.

    See also: some background on the time when the Met Police were happy to help spread public information about the work of spying on "subversives": BBC True Spies series: police happy to disclose information when it suits them (Special Branch Files Project, link)

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