01 October 2016
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European Parliament Briefing: Growing impact of EU migration policy on development cooperation (pdf):
"Along with the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) active in this field, the European Parliament opposes aid conditionality dependent on partner countries cooperating on readmission and return, as laid out in the migration compacts. Addressing the current migration challenge without jeopardising development policy achievements and objectives will be one of the key issues of the ongoing revision of the European consensus on development."
Sixty-five Returned To Turkey (News That Moves, link):
"The pace of returns of people under the EU-Turkey deal is apparently increasing.
Ten Syrians were returned to Turkey from Greece on October 6 under the deal. According to information from the Hellenic government (link in Greek only), eight out of the 10 had withdrawn their asylum claims in Greece and the other two had not asked for international protection. They were returned by plane from the Mytilene airport on Lesvos, to Adana, Turkey.....
Altogether, 643 people to date have been returned to Turkey from Greece under the EU-Turkey deal."
Council of Europe: UK urged to improve protection of child victims of human trafficking (link):
"The Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) has urged the United Kingdom to improve the identification and protection of child victims of trafficking, expressing particular concern about children going missing from local authority care.
“Despite many positive developments in recent years, estimates suggest that up 60% of children who have potentially been trafficked are still going missing from local authority care in the UK, usually within 48 hours of being placed in care and before being formally recognised as victims.
“Children who go missing in one part of the UK can also end up being trafficked and exploited in another part of the country, without any connection being made” said GRETA President Nicolas Le Coz.
GRETA’s second report on the UK’s implementation of the Council of Europe convention on human trafficking says that progress has been made in a number of areas since 2012, notably including the adoption of dedicated, comprehensive legislation on human trafficking/modern slavery."
Are You Syrious (6.10.16, link)
Greek government numbers record only 2 arrivals
"Two boats arrived On Lesvos during the day, with 52 people on board. 160 arrived on Samos. 55 refugees were deported to Turkey on Wednesday, 37 of whom had their asylum application rejected twice."
1000 CRS mobilized to depopulate Calais camp
"The Calais camp is in the midst of its final few days. The police has received its “mission order” for the evacuation of Calais, giving them 10 days to clear the camp. The operation will commence on the 17th and will last until the 27th of October. The date raises questions as housing plans for unaccompanied minors, who by law have to be separated from the general refugee population, have not yet been fully implemented. Some of the CRS will be responsible for the dismantlement, others will filter the access to the camp during the operations, others will secure the hosting centers. Half of all CRS will be there to prevent the reinstallation of refugees in the camp. Around 1,000 people will be mobilized during the operation."
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