Brexit: EU justice and home affairs without the UK

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"On 16 September, the heads of state or government of the 27 will meet in Bratislava. They will continue a political reflection to give impetus to further reforms and to the development of the EU with 27 member countries...

'Based on my consultations so far, I have no doubt that the three main challenges are uncontrolled irregular migration, terrorism, and the fears of globalisation,' said President Tusk before his meeting with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven in Stockholm. 'My ambition is that in Bratislava we can agree on the main priorities and what we need to do about them in the next few months.'

According to the President of the European Council, these priorities should be:

  • to secure external borders of the EU
  • to fight the threat of terrorism in Europe and elsewhere
  • to bring back control of globalisation, finding a way to safeguard the interests of the EU citizens while remaining open to the world"

    See: Informal meeting of the 27 heads of state or government, 16/09/2016 (European Council/Council of the EU, link)

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