EU: Council of the European Union: Counter-Terrorism Directive
03 September 2016
See the full text:
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating terrorism and replacing Council Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA on combating terrorism - exchange of views on the LIBE orientation vote of 4 July 2016 (LIMITE doc no: 11169-16, pdf)
This 4-column trilogue document sets out the Commission proposal, the positions of the Council and the European Parliament and the "compromise" position:
"The Presidency would like to obtain feedback and specific guidance from delegations in particular regarding the provisions on:
• public provocation (Article 5)
• receiving training (Article 8)
• travelling for the purpose of terrorism (Article 9)
• financing of terrorism (Articles 11)
• victims' rights (Article 22 and 23)
• exchange of information (new Article 21c)
In addition, the Presidency invites delegations to indicate their initial views regarding the proposed provisions on fundamental rights and procedural guarantees (new Articles 23a, 23c and 23d), on prevention (new Article 21b) and on measures against illegal terrorist content on the Internet (new Article 14a)."