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- EUROPOL: DENMARK-UK: Timmermans dashes Danish hopes for ‘parallel deal’ on Europol
EUROPOL: DENMARK-UK: Timmermans dashes Danish hopes for ‘parallel deal’ on Europol
28 September 2016
"European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans told Denmark’s leaders yesterday (27 September) that they would not get the cross-border policing deal they have been seeking since Danes voted in a referendum to quit Europol.
In a precursor to the much more dramatic vote by the British in June to leave the European Union entirely, Danes last December rejected a government proposal for new laws needed to keep the country inside the European police agency....
If you vote to be out of Europol, you’re out of Europol. I don’t see on the basis of the legal situation any alternative for that,” Timmermanns said."
Timmermans dashes Danish hopes for ‘parallel deal’ on Europol (euractiv, link)
Belgian trains' security plan draws German ire (euobserver, link)