UK: Downing Street ‘used police and courts to smear Orgreave miners’ - Documents found at Hillsborough inquest will be used to call for investigation into 1984 strike violence this week

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"Previously unseen documents suggesting that a politically motivated operation involving the police and courts was launched against miners involved in the 1984 Orgreave confrontation in Yorkshire will be used to put fresh pressure on the home secretary to announce a public inquiry at a meeting with campaigners this week.

A legal case has been lodged with the Home Office which, it is claimed, offers evidence of the “wrongful arrest of 95 miners, the deliberate falsification of a narrative against them from the outset, the immediate presentation of that false narrative by police to the media and its uncritical acceptance by the latter”."

See the article: Downing Street ‘used police and courts to smear Orgreave miners’ - Documents found at Hillsborough inquest will be used to call for investigation into 1984 strike violence this week (The Observer, link)

See also: IPCC announces decision following Orgreave scoping exercise (link) and: Report (pdf)

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