24 September 2018
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Renewed Internal Security Strategy: draft of the latest Council implementation report
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The document says:
"In line with the Council conclusions of 12 October 2017 on the mid-term review of the Renewed Internal Security Strategy and as endorsed by COSI SG on 16 April 2018, the implementation paper presents a structure based on priorities, on the planning and implementation of the renewed EU Internal Security Strategy for the first and second half of 2018.
It consists of two parts:
A general report providing an overview of the progress achieved during the reporting period in the main priority areas of the renewed ISS priority areas, while focusing on the main achievements and setting out the follow up envisaged by the current Presidency, as relevant.
Technical follow-up on specific measures"
See: Implementation of the renewed EU Internal Security Strategy: joint Presidency paper (12009/18, LIMITE, 13 September 2018, pdf)
Renewed EU Internal Security Strategy: General Report on the implementation and planning (first and second half of 2018)
1. Renewed Internal Security Strategy priorities
1. 1. Countering terrorism and preventing radicalisation and violent extremism
1.2. Preventing and fighting serious and organised crime
1.3. Preventing and fighting cybercrime and enhancing cybersecurity
2. Cross-cutting priority areas
Information exchange and interoperability
Availability of data
Strengthening the links between external and internal dimension of security
Cooperation with third countries
Enhancing customs contribution to internal security
Smuggling of migrants
Follow-up on specific measures
1. Renewed ISS priorities
1.1.Countering terrorism and preventing radicalisation and violent extremism
1. Prevention of radicalisation, including developments under HLCEG-R, RAN, Internet forum
2. FTFs/Returnees, including the judicial dimension
3. Roadmap on Information exchange (Chapter III) Post-hit follow-up under Article 36 SIS II
4. Enhance security of explosives and explosive precursors
5. CBRN communication and Action Plan implementation
6. Threat assessment
7. Atlas Network
8. Protecting public spaces
9. WBCTi initiative
10. Battlefield evidence
11. Implementation of the Action Plan for strengthening the fight against terrorist financing1.2. Preventing and fighting serious and organised crime
11. EU Policy Cycle on organised and serious international crime/EMPACT
11B. Domestic burglary
12. International cooperation in the field of drugs
13. Legislative package (Regulation and Directive) on new psychoactive substances (NPS)
14. International scheduling of new psychoactive substances (NPS)
15. Scheduling of new psychoactive substances (NPS) at the EU level
16. Council conclusions on Alternatives to coercive sanctions as a response to drug law and drug-related offences
17. Monitor the implementation of the CCWP 8th Action Plan (2016 2017)
18. Monitor the implementation of the CCWP 9th Action Plan 2018-2019 and the link with the Operational Action Plans from the EU Policy Cycle for serious and organised crime
19. Strengthen the EUs capacity for the detection of illicit trade in goods at the external border, in line with the EU Strategy and Action Plan for customs risk management.
20. Environmental crime
21. Forensic science area
22. Administrative approach
23. Illicit firearms
24. Smuggling of migrants
25. Trafficking in human beings1.3.Preventing and fighting cybercrime and enhancing cybersecurity
26. Budapest Convention (ratification, 2nd Additional Protocol)
27. Cyber related challenges Whois
Emergency response protocol for coordinated EU LEA response
Roadmap on dark web
CGN Address translation and on-line attribution28. Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
29. Monitor the implementation of the EU Cybersecurity strategy
30. Hybrid threats
31. EU Position in international fora
32. Directive on network and information security
33. Directive on combatting fraud and counterfeiting of non-cash means of payment2. Cross-cutting priority areas
Information exchange and interoperability
34. eu-LISA Regulation
35. Interoperability proposals
36. Monitoring and implementation of the Roadmap on information exchange
36. Monitoring of the Data Protection Law Enforcement Directive
37. Monitoring of the PNR Directive
38. Prüm decisions
39. Prüm training needs analysis
40. Develop/implement information management strategy
41. Schengen Information System Package(1) for the return of illegally staying third-country nationals;
(2) in the field of border checks;
(3) in the field of police cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal matters42. SIS/SIRENE cooperation in the Fight against Foreign Terrorist Fighters
43. Capacity building of SIRENE bureaux
44. Implementation of AFIS in SIS
45. Extension of ECRIS to third country nationalsAvailability of data
46. Data retention
47. E-evidence
48. Encryption
49. Directive Money laundering - criminal law
50. Mutual recognition of freezing and confiscation orders
51. Monitor the implementation of mutual recognition instruments
52. LEA access to financial information
53. Action plan on financial investigationsImproving operational cooperation
54. Europol Regulation
55. European Border and Coast Guard Regulation
56. Eurojust Regulation
57. EPPO Regulation
58. Cooperation between customs and LEA
59. Cooperation between LEA and national security authorities
60. Cooperation between JHA agencies on CT
61. Expert groups and Networks related to the LEWP
62. JHA Agencies' network
63. Europol agreements with third countries
64. Strengthening the links between external and internal dimension of security
65. Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG)3. Enhancing security at the external borders
66. Entry/Exist System Regulation
67. ETIAS Regulation
68. Temporary reintroduction of controls at the internal borders
69. False documents
70. Common risk indicators
71. Improving security features of ID cards
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