On post 11 September 2001, 11 March 2004 (Madrid), 7 and 21 July 2005 (London): effects on civil liberties and democratic standards
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No 1: EU "Conclusions" on counter-terrorism
No 2: US-EU Bush letter
No 3:The European arrest warrant proposal
No 4: EU definition of terrorism
No 5: "The enemy within": plans to put protesters under surveillance
No 6: Analysis of legislative measures
No 7: Analysis of "operational" measures
No 8: New EU measure on terrorism criminalises all refugees and asylum seekers
No 9: EU terrorism situation report: Anarchists are "terrorists"
No 10: Asylum and "safeguarding national security" post 11 September
No 11: EU surveillance of communications to be "compulsory"
No 12: Secret EU-US agreement being negotiated
No 13: The "war on freedom and democracy", an essay by Tony Bunyan
No 14: Immigration and asylum in the EU after 11 September 2001
No 15: Europol-USA exchange of personal data
No 16: the creation of an EU Interior Ministry - the maintenance of law and order, internal security and external borders
No 17: Readmission agreements and EC external migration law
No 18: New UK-USA Extradition Treaty
No 19: Cover-up! Proposed Regulation on European Border Guard hides unaccountable, operational bodies
No 20: EU Asylum Procedures (November 2003)
No 21: Cementing Fortress (June 2004)
No 22: UK-US Extradition (January 2004)
No 23: UK: Stop and search targets Muslim communities (January 2004)
No 24: Transferring Privacy - report by Privacy International in cooperation with European Digital Rights Initiative, the Foundation for Information Policy Research, and Statewatch (February 2004)
No 25: European Evidence Warrant (March 2004)
No 26: Anti-Terrorism and the Security Agenda: Impacts on Rights, Freedoms and Democracy. Report and Recommendations for Policy Direction of a Public Forum organised by the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, Ottawa, February 17, 2004 (May 2004)
No 27: Law enforcement agencies (LEAs) access to each others data (July 2004)
No 28: UK: Telephone-surveillance figures: 1937-2003 and analysis of changes made to the system of recording the figures July 2004)
No 29: Dismantling EU protection for refugees (July 2004)
No 30: "National (in)security politics in Australia: fear and the federal election" by Jude McCullogh - Australia - Analysis (June 2004)
No.31: Sweden: Expulsions carried out by US agents, men tortured in Egypt (May 2004)
No 32: Norway: All charges dropped against Krekar (December 2003)
No 33: When the EU adopts anti-terrorism measures is it trying to combat terrorism or crime? (June 2004)
No 34: Biometrics - the EU takes another step down the road to 1984 - Part I (September 2004)
No 35: Biometric documents (The Road to 1984 - Part II) (February 2004)
No 36: Legal analysis: Commission’s EU biometric passport proposal exceeds the EC’s powers (February 2004)
No 37: Statewatch "Scoreboard" on post-Madrid anti-terrorism plan (March 2004)
No 38: (Press elease with sources) EU divided over list of "safe countries of origin" Full Analysis (September 2004)
No 39: Statewatch report: The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture criticises the undermining of the non-refoulement principle and the use of terrorism as a pretext to justify torture (November 2004)
No 40: Vetoes, Opt-outs and EU Immigration and Asylum law - Statewatch briefing - (23 December 2004)
No 41: EU: Police data exchanges - analysis, survey and documentation (February 2005)
No 42: The exceptional and draconian become the norm - G8 and EU counter-terrorism plans (March 2005 - updated 19.7.05)
No 43: The emergence of a global infrastructure for mass registration - International Campaign Against Mass Surveillance (ICAMS, April 2005)
No 44: Journalism, civil liberties and the war on terrorism: A special report by the International Federation of Journalists and Statewatch (May 2005)
No 45: SIS II fait accompli? Construction of EU's Big Brother database underway (May 2005)
No 46: Failure to regulate: Data protection in the police sector in Europe (in Open Society - Justice Initiative report, June 2005)
No 47: Legal analysis of SIS II proposals (June 2005)
No 48: Terrorising the rule of law: the policy and practice of proscription (June 2005)
No 49: EU: Biometrics - from visas to passports to ID cards (July 2005)
No 50: While Europe sleeps...... - under the "war on terrorism" a veneer of democracy is legitimating the creation of a coercive (and surveillance) state (October 2005)
No 51: There is no “balance” between security and civil liberties – just less of each (October 2005)
No 52: The European Parliament and data retention: Chronicle of a ‘sell-out’ foretold? (December 2005)
No 53: The EU's Police Chiefs Task Force analysis: A tale of self-regulation and self-definition by a body with no legal or constitutional basis. Police Chiefs Committee created (March 2006)
No 54: Arming Big Brother - the EU's security research programme (April 2006)
No 55: EU-Africa: Immigration round-up:Carnage continues as EU border moves south (September 2006)
No 56: EU: Detection technologies and democracy (September 2006)
No 57: EU: Data protection in police and judicial cooperation matters: Rights of suspects and defendants under attack by law enforcement demands (October 2006)
No 58: “The Future of Europol” - more powers, less regulation, precious little debate (October 2006)
No 59: The "principle of availability" (December 2006)
No 60: Europol: The final step in the creation of an “Investigative and Operational” European Police Force (January 2007)
No 61: EU: The dream of total data collection - status quo and future plans for EU information systems
No 62: Mandatory retention of telecommunications traffic to be "nodded" through in the UK (May 2007)
No 63: "Terrorist lists" still above the law (August 2007)
No 64: Secret trilogues and the democratic deficit (September 2007)
No 65: “Against the outrageous Directive!”, full-text of speech given by Yasha Maccanico in EP (December 2007)
No 66: The Proposed EU Returns Directive (January 2008)
No 67: EU: Cementing the European state - new emphasis on internal security and operational cooperation at EU level (January 2008)
No 68: EU-SIS: Schengen Infornation System Article 99 report (February 2008)
No 69: Policing protests in Switzerland, Italy and Germany (March 2008)
No 70: EU: The surveillance of travel where everyone is a suspect (August 2008)
No 71: EU: Reaches for a global role (August 2008 in this format; originally published in Statewatch bulletin, 1996)
No 72: "The Shape of Things to Come" - the EU Future Group (September 2008)
No 73: UK: Media freedoms in the UK curtailed by police “culture of suspicion” and double standards (January 2009)
No 74: On the targeting of activists in the "war on terror" (January 2009)
No 75: The "digital tsunami" and the surveillance state (February 2009 in this format; originally published in Statewatch Journal, 2008)
No 76: The proposed Framework Decision on conflict of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings: Manipulating the right to a fair trial? (March 2009)
No 77: Italy: Making sense of the Genoa G8 trials and aftermath (March 2009)
No 78: EU agrees US demands to re-write data protection agreement (April 2009)
No 79: Germany: Permanent state of pre-emption (April 2009)
No 80: The EU’s JHA agenda after the EP elections (May 2009)
No 81: EU-IRAQ: The forgotten causalities of the war (July 2009)
No 82: The EU’s JHA agenda under the Swedish Presidency (July 2009)
No 83: EU agrees rules for remote computer access by police forces – but fails, as usual, to mention – the security and intelligence
agencies (August 2009)
No 84: European Parliament: Abolish 1st [and 2nd] reading secret deals - bring back democracy “warts and all” (September 2009)
No 85: The EU’s JHA agenda after the Irish referendum (October 2009)
No 86: The “Third Pillar acquis” after the Treaty of Lisbon enters into force (November 2009)
No 87: Italy: Open-ended emergencies: deployment of soldiers in cities and summary treatment for Roma people (November 2009)
No 88: The ‘Third Pillar acquis’ after the Treaty of Lisbon enters into force (December 2009)
No 89: Internal Security Strategy for the European Union (January 2010)
No 90: Homeland Security comes to Europe (January 2010)
No 91: Germany: A network being networked: the Federal Criminal Police Office databases and the surveillance of “troublemakers” (January 2010)
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