Please note: this observatory is no longer updated.
The "Stockholm Programme" (2010-2014), the 5-year plan for Justice and Home Affairs, was adopted in December 2009. An initial proposal was put forward by the Euopean Commission on which the European Parliament was "consulted". The European Council (27 Prime Ministers meeting) had the final say as to its content. The Future Group report sets proposals and the overall ontext for the programme.
Latest developments (December 2010)
Council of the European Union: JHA Council conclusions on Commission communication (2 June 2010, pdf), include the following statement:
"Notes however that some of the actions proposed by the Commission are not in line with the Stockholm Programme and that others, being included in the Stockholm Programme, are not reflected in the Communication of the Commission.
Urges the Commission in this regard to take only those initiatives that are in full conformity with the Stockholm Programme in order to ensure its complete and timely implementation."
European Commission: Stockholm Programme: Statewatch Analysis: Commission: Action Plan on the Stockholm Programme: A bit more freedom and justice and a lot more security (pdf) by Tony Bunyan:
"The “harnessing of the digital tsunami” as advocated by the EU Future Group and the surveillance society, spelt out in Statewatch’s “The Shape of Things to Come” is embedded in the Commission’s Action Plan as it is in the Stockholm Programme....There is no mention of the European Security Research Programme (ESRP). Much of the technological development is being funded under the 1.4 billion euro security research programme. See: Statewatch/TNI report: Neoconopticon: EU security-industrial complex."
- Statewatch Briefing: European Commission: Action Plan on the Stockholm Programme (pdf) Comments by Professor Steve Peers, University of Essex.
- Full-text: Communication from the Commission: Delivering an area of freedom, security and justice for Europe's citizens Action Plan Implementing the Stockholm Programme (COM 171/2010, pdf)
STOCKHOLM PROGRAMME: Draft Programme (25 November, pdf). See also European Parliament Resolution on the Stockholm Programme and Press release from the GUE (United Left group)
The Stockholm Programme (EU doc no: 16484/09, dated 23 November 2009) and see: Changes in the draft Programme
EU JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS: DRAFT STOCKHOLM PROGRAMME from the Council Presidency: Draft Stockholm Programme (16 Octrober 2009, pdf). See also: Earlier draft Stockholm Programme (6 October 2009, pdf). There are important diffrences between these two drafts. See for background: Statewatch Observatory on: Stockholm Programme
EU: STOCKHOLM PROGRAMME: European Parliament: Draft Resolution (pdf) and Opinions from: Czech Republic Senate (pdf), Portugal parliament EU committee (pdf) Danish parliament (pdf)
EU: Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA): The Stockholm Programme: A chance to put fundamental rights protection right in the centre of the European Agenda (pdf)
EU: Stockholm Programme: UK written comments on the European Commission's Communication on the Stockholm Programme (pdf) and HMG Briefing for UK Members (pdf)
EU: Informal Justice and Home Affairs Ministers meeting to discuss the Stockholm Programme: Working documents: 1) Developing a Europe that Protects; 2) A Europe based on Responsibility and Solidarity in Immigration and Asylum Matters; 3) Developing a Citizens’ Europe of Law and Justice See also: Amnesty International: EU: Close human rights gaps in the Stockholm Programme (link) - Stop the Stockholm programme! (link)
EU-STOCKHOLM PROGRAMME: European Data Protection Supervisor: Opinion on the Commission's proposals for the Stockholm Programme (pdf):
"The EDPS supports the attention that has been devoted in the Communication to the protection of fundamental rights, and in particular the protection of personal data, as one of the key issues of the future framework for EU action on the questions of citizenship, justice, security, asylum and immigration. He fully endorses the Commission's view that more emphasis should be given to data protection in the areas concerned, and calls for the European Council to follow the same approach when adopting the Stockholm multi-annual programme."
Tony Bunyan, Statewatch editor, comments:
"The Opinion of the EDPS is, as usual, thoughtful and detailed. However, the Opinion introduces a strange new interpretation of "free movement" - one of the four founding rights of the EU. "Free movement" is well understood to mean the right of people to move around within the EU. The EDPS argues that "free movement" also comprises "the free movement of (personal) data". But should it? The "free movement of personal data" is the invention of the state (EU and national) and big business. It does not give the people more rights, quite the reverse because they have little or no control over the use of their personal data."
EU-STOCKHOLM PROGRAMME: Council of the European Union: The External Dimension of Justice and Home Affairs (EU doc no: 11454/09, pdf) and Contribution by the UK delegation on the Strategy for the External Dimension of Justice and Home Affairs (EU doc no: 11413/09, pdf)
The formal process starts: Commission proposals
10 June 2009: EU: European Commission: Proposals for the Stockholm Programme (pdf), German (pdf) French (pdf):
Tony Bunyan, Statewatch editor, comments: "What stands out are the proposals related to the Future Group report. A promise to balance better data protection and EU standards for "Privacy Enhancing Technology" with the law enforcement agencies demands for access to all information and communications. An "information system architecture" to bring about the sharing of all data across the EU. The use of "security technologies" to harness the "digital tsunami" to gather through mass surveillance personal data on peoples' everyday activities through public-private partnerships.
What is new is the clear aim of creating the surveillance society and the database state. Future generations, for whom this will be a fully developed reality, will look back at this era and righlty ask, why did you not act to stop it."
Future Group: Justice and Home Affairs
European Civil Liberties Network (ECLN): Oppose the “Stockholm Programme”
The ECLN has published a Statement calling on civil society groups and individuals to voice their opinions on the EU's Stockholm programme and work towards a democratic Europe. The “Stockholm Programme” sets the agenda for EU justice and home affairs and internal security policy from 2010 to 2014 and will extend militarised border controls, discriminatory immigration policies, mandatory and proactive surveillance regimes and an increasingly aggressive external security and defence policy. The ECLN believes these policies constitute an attack on civil liberties and human rights. It calls for active civil society engagement and opposition to dangerous authoritarian tendencies within the EU.
- ECLN Statement: Oppose the “Stockholm Programme” (English)
- ECLN Statement - Oppose the “Stockholm Programme” (German)
- ECLN Statement - Oppose the “Stockholm Programme” (Spanish)
- ECLN Statement - Oppose the “Stockholm Programme” (Italian)
- ECLN Statement - Oppose the “Stockholm Programme” (Dutch)
- ECLN Home page
UK contribution (31 October 2008)
Statewatch analysis
"The Shape of Things to Come" - the EU Future Group by Tony Bunyan and The Shape of Things to Come - Conclusions (8 pages)
Final report
Freedom, Security, Privacy – European Home Affairs in an open world (53 pages)
1. Vorläufiger Zeitplan mit Themen - Timetable 2007-2009
2, Informal High Level Advisory Group (“The Future Group”) - Terms of Reference - 21 May 2007
3. Introductory Document: Working Method of the Group - 21 May 2007
First meeting: May 2007
4. "Warm-up" Session: First meeting of the Future Group Eltville (Germany), 20 and 21 May 2007 Report (13 pages)
5. Introductory Document: Modernising European border and visa management - 21 May 2007
Second meeting 25 June 2007
7. External factors threatening the internal security of the European Union
9. "Implementation of the external dimension of the area of freedom, security and justice"
Third meeting October 2007
10. Discussion paper on the essentials of a European information network in 2014
12. Comprehensive European Migration Policy - Portugal and Czech Republic
Fourth meeting December 2007
13. Same as above: Concept paper on the European strategy to transform Public security organizations in a Connected World
14. Civil Protection - Portugal
15. Contribution from the UK: Mobility, Security and Privacy
Interim Report: January 2008
Report of the High Level Advisory Group on the future of EU Home Affairs Policies as discussed at the Informal Meeting of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers in Slovenia on 24-25 January 2008.
Fifth meeting April 2008
16. The Future EU Asylum Policy: Contribution from Sweden and Czech Republic
17. Future Group: Police Cooperation: French Contribution
Additional Council documents
18. Presidency Note: 11960/08 (34 pages, 22 July 2008) This document includs the 3 page Executive Summary from the Group presented by the Presidency at the informal ministerial meeting in Cannes on 7 July 2008 and contributions from the Netherlands and Finland submitted whiel the reports were being drafted.
19. Observations from Italy: Police and Immigration: 11960/08 ADD 1
20. Contribution from Lithuania: Police and immigration: 11960/08 ADD 2
21. Contribution from Poland, 18 July 2008: DS 722/08
Future Group - Justice report
22. Final report of the Future Group (Justice): 11962/08
23. Observations from Italy: Justice: 11962/08 ADD 1
24. Contribution from Lithuanaia: Justice: 11962/08 ADD 2
Tampere programme (1999-2004)
25. Tampere programme - full-text
26. The story of Tampere - an undemocratic process excluding civil society (pdf) Analysis by Tony Bunyan
Hague progamme (2005-2009)
27. Hague programme (pdf)
10 June 2009: EU: European Commission: The Hague Programme:
28. Communication: An evaluation of the Hague Programme and Action Plan (COM 263, pdf)
29. An evaluation of the Hague Programme and Action Plan (SEC 765, pdf)
30. An extended report on the evaluation of the Hague Programme (SEC 766, pdf)
31. General overview of instruments and deadlines provided in the Hague Programme and Action Plan in the fields of justice, freedom and security :Institutional Scoreboard (SEC 767,pdf)
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