Council of the EU: Austrian delegation: Open questions on the Commission proposal (7414/11)


Note from the Austrian delegation, questioning in particular the proposal to set up a decentralised PNR system, on the grounds of cost, data protection and legal basis.

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NOTE from: Austrian delegation to: Working Party on General Matters, including Evaluations (GENVAL): Open questions on the Commission proposal for a Directive on the use of Passenger Name Records (PNR) data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime (Council doc. 7414/11, LIMITE, 7 March 2011, pdf):

"Austria underlines its full commitment in the fight against international terrorism and organised crime. Passenger data can be a valuable tool in assessing risks and preventing and combating terrorism and organised crime. However, Austria reiterates its serious doubts expressed during the negotiations on the draft Framework Decision on the use of Passenger Name Record about establishing a decentralised system."

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