Council of the EU: Report on thematic work carried out from July to November 2008 (16457/08)


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EU-PNR: Council: Report on thematic work carried out from July to November 2008 (28 November 2008, 16457/08, pdf):

"On the basis of this report, the Council endorsed the following assessments and guidelines:

1) The working method followed has resulted in an increasingly clear vision of the practical scope and essential features of a possible European PR system reconciling operational effectiveness with respect for citizens' fundamental rights in general and personal data protection rights in particular;

2) The Council preparatory bodies are instructed to examine all the outstanding issues, whether legal or operational, in the light of the report and all the work already carried out with a view to decisions at a later date;

3) The dialogue with the European Parliament and, in the Member States, with national parliaments and the economic operators concerned will continue in parallel1;

4) The preparatory bodies will report regularly to Coreper or to the Council, as the case may be, on the progress made in ongoing proceedings and consultations."

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