General report 2008
01 February 2009
The date of publication listed here is indicative and may not reflect the actual publication date.
General Report 2008 (pdf)
- Introduction
- Frontex in general
- Purpose of the report
- Developments
- Situation at the external borders of the EU
- Developments at policy level
- Developments at agency level
- Summary on budgetary issues - Finance and Human Resources
- Budget Developments
- Appropriations carried foward to 2008 (Table: see Annex IV)
- Appropriations 2008 (Table: see Annex IV)
- Looking at other aspects of financial management
- Human resources
- Success stories
- Joint operations
- Framework Joint Operation HAMMER
- Risk analysis
- FISO pilot project - developing analytical capacity
- FronBAC project - developing analytical skills in Frontex and Member States
- Training
- Common Core Curriculum and other general training
- Air crew training - improving flying-air safety and enhancing the level of competence
- Falsified document training - up to date of content
- Pooled Resources
- Dacia 2008 - increasing
- Research and Development
- VIS development
- Annexes I - List of the Management Board Members
- Annex II - List of Operational Activities 2008
- Annexes III - List of Training courses delivered in 2008
- Annex IV - 2008 Appropriations (incl Earmarked Revenue)
- Annex V - The number of staff