General report 2009
01 February 2010
The date of publication listed here is indicative and may not reflect the actual publication date.
General Report 2009 (pdf)
- Introduction
- Frontex in general
- Purpose of the report
- Developments
- Situation at the external borders of the EU
- Developments at the policy level
- EU policies
- Third countries
- Partner organizations
- Developments at the agency level
- Long term approach
- Clustering process
- Operational theatre
- The field of research
- Administrative support
- Summary on budgetary issues
- Budget developments
- Appropriations 2009
- Internal control standards
- Human resources
- Success Stories
- Awareness
- Establishment of the Western Balkans risk analysis network
- Frontex One-Stop-Shop
- Response
- Poseidon 2009
- Pilot project Attica 2009
- Operational co-operation with third counties
- Interoperability
- V-aula
- Biometrics
- Annexes
- Annex A – Management Board members list
- Annex B – List of Operational Activities 2009
- Annex C – Comparative analysis of joint operations 2009-2008..40
- Land Borders
- Air Borders
- Sea Borders
- Annex D – List of training courses delivered in 2009
- Annex E – 2009 Appropriations (incl. Earmarked Revenue)
- Annex F – The number of staff
- Annex G - Staff movements