- Disclaimer
- Foreword
- List of acronyms
- Mission statement
Section I - General context
Section II - Multiannual programming 2020 - 2022
- Multiannual objectives and strategic direction
- Strategic action areas
- Human and financial resources outlook for years N+1 - N+3
Section III - Annual work programme 2020
- Executive summary
- SO 1: Reduced vulnerability of the external borders based on comprehensive situational awareness
- SO 2: Safe, secure and well-functioning EU external borders
- SO 3: Sustained European border and coast guard capabilities
- HO 1: Implement and support European integrated border management to ensure safe and well-managed EU external borders
- HO 2: Reinforce the external dimension aimed at multiplying Frontex operational impact through cooperation with the European Commission and EEAS, as well as through partnership with member states, EU entities, third countries and international organisations.
- HO 3: Develop an upgraded management system aimed at ensuring accountability, regularity and legality of all Frontex activities
Summary of human and financial resources per activity in 2020 AWP
Section IV - Budget 2020
Revenue and expenditure
Establishment plan 2020
External personnel 2020