Transparency, accountability and fundamental rights
The remit, powers, staffing and budgets of EU agencies have grown significantly over the last decade, reflecting the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty and a rapidly-changing social, political and legal context – in the last few years in particular as a result of terrorist attacks in Europe and the continent’s so-called “refugee crisis”. These new and growing powers have been accompanied by new methods of transparency and accountability which leave much to be desired. Investigating, analysing and exposing these issues in order to promote positive changes is the aim of this project.
The three agencies have come to form a central part of the EU’s ongoing plans to extend its powers and policies in the fields of migration, crime and terrorism – which are being increasingly mingled together in the EU policy discourse – creating a dangerous precedent for fundamental rights and democratic control. This project aims to contribute to making sense of and taking action against the agencies as part of a necessary broader long-term effort to disentangle migration, security and terrorism in the prevalent policy discourse.
EU justice and home affairs agencies: Transparency, accountability and fundamental rights runs from April 2019-April 2021 and is funded by the Open Society Initiative for Europe.
Access to documents: complaints to the European Ombudsman
Our complaints to the European Ombudsman followed direct complaints to the agencies, to which their responses were unsatisfactory. Following a direct complaint to eu-Lisa, the agency established a dedicated access to documents section on its website and has set up a public register of documents.
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