This work will expose and challenge the criminalisation and discrimination caused by data-based crime ‘prediction’ and profiling systems employed by policing and criminal justice authorities in Europe. It will provide evidence of and information on the actual and potential harms posed by these systems to over-policed and marginalised populations and the wider public. In doing so it will provide a basis for mobilisation by affected and interested groups to seek policy changes that defend and extend civil liberties and human rights, including in the context of work on the implementation of the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act.
Through this project, we will support the publication of reports on the 'state of play' with regard to police and criminal justice use of AI and other advanced technical systems in:
A separate synthesis report will bring together the key thematic issues highlighted in the separate country reports. The aim is to provide a useful, practical basis for political mobilisation regarding AI, data, policing and criminal justice.
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