Vol 7 (2): March-April 1997


Cover story: Europol: “operative powers” and “organised crime” plan

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EU: EDU work programme

EU: Third pillar work programme

EU: Football supporters' complaints not upheld but European Ombudsman sets up inquiry

EU-IGC: Asylum between EU states

Germany: The Chancellor's illusions

EU: OECD rejects US-UK-France plan

Spain: New legislation on official secrets

UK: “Gays in military” case to ECJ

Northern Ireland: Microwave radiation

Northern Ireland: Lloyd Report implementation

Northern Ireland: Meaning of life

Northern Ireland: Howard's last defeat

Northern Ireland: Justice for Diarmuid O'Neill campaign

UK: M25's Raphael Rowe on hunger strike

UK: Prison ship sails into Victorian England

UK: Injunctions SLAPPed on Protesters

UK: Animal rights activists charged

Spain: Quota system takes effect

UK: Gay couple can stay together

Norway: Church refugees

Sweden: Leander case referred to court

Spain: CESID papers declassified

France: Cost of military action in Africa

EU: EU uncertain about NATO enlargement

Spain: Congress seeks prohibition of anti-personnel mines

Ireland: Police take to the streets

Netherlands: Police cooperation formalized

Netherlands: Changes promised in NSIS

Netherlands: Schengen rule invoked

Netherlands: Policeman on corruption charge

Netherlands: Fans target of new law

Belgium: Dutroux report condemns police

Belgium: Ministry spied on peace activists

Belgium: Police “witch hunt” against Moroccan youth

Spain: Police rivals in armed clash

UK: Police blamed for clashes on march

UK: Police test water-propelled CS spray

UK: Masons should reveal themselves

Denmark: Combat 18 letterbombs reveal nazi network

Netherlands: C18 formed - CP'86 split

Belgium: Attack linked to Vlaams Blok

France: Inquiry into Le Pen's militia

Norway: Neo-nazis prepared to shoot

UK: Combat 18 arrests herald collapse?

UK: BNP election broadcast opposed



Northern Ireland: past, present and future

Ireland: Ireland and freedom of information

EU: Statewatch case: Ombudsman tackles Council

Germany: The “nuclear state” as “security state”


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