28 January 2008
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This set of documents was originally published as an A4 book (148 pages, ISBN 1-874481-06-7) and 4 supplementary pamphlets. If you would like to order this set they are available for £20 - please contact us. The chapters are reproduced here in PDF format. A full list of documents follows below.
Introduction: Key texts Chapter 2: Police cooperation and Europol Chapter 3: Immigration and Asylum Chapter 4: Legal Cooperation Chapter 5: The Schengen Agreement and Schengen "acquis" |
Supplement no. 1: The draft External Frontiers Convention
Supplement no. 2: Communication of the Commission to the Council on the abolition of controls of persons at intra-Community borders, COM (1988) 640 final
Supplement no. 3: Maastricht immigration programme (1991) and follow up (1993)
Supplement no. 4: Secrecy proposal and access to information
Chapter 1
1. Declaration of the Belgian Presidency: meeting of Justice and Interior Ministers of the European Community, in Brussels, on 28 April 1987
2. "The Palma Document", Free Movement of Persons. A Report to the European Council by the Coordinators' Group (Madrid, June 1989)
3. Report to the European Council in Edinburgh from the Coordinators' Group on Free Movement of Persons (3 December 1992)
4. Form of agreement on the European Information System (29 June 1992)
5. Selected extracts from the Conclusions of the Presidency of 29 October 1993, European Council, Brussels. Chapter V: The area of justice and home affairs
6. TITLE VI of the Maastricht Treaty: Cooperation in the fields of Justice and Home Affairs (Treaty on European Union, 1992)
7. The "Trevi acquis" (2 November 1993)
8. Overview of the Acquis of the Trevi Agreement: police cooperation (21 October 1993)
9. Informal meeting of the Ministers of Justice, Chateau de Limlette, 27 and 28 September 1993
Chapter 2
10. Home Office Circular 53/77: Conference of EEC Ministers of the Interior (2 September 1997)
11. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of Health of the Member States meeting within the Council of 16 May 1989 concerning a European network of health data on drug abuse
12. Declaration of Ministers of the Trevi Group (Paris, 15 December 1989)
13. Programme of Action relating to the reinforcement of police cooperation and of the endeavours to combat terrorism or other forms of organised crime (June 1990)
14. The development of Europol: Report from Trevi Ministers to the European Council in Maastricht (December 1991)
15. Meetings of the Trevi Group Ministers, June 1992
16. The establishment of Europol (Lisbon, June 1991)
17. Minutes of the meeting of Trevi Ministers, June 1993
18. Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Trevi Ministers in Copenhagen on 29 June 1993 (3 November 1993)
19. Ministerial agreement on the establishment of the Europol Drugs Unit (Copenhagen, June 1993)
Chapter 3
20. Convention determining the State responsible for examining Applications for Asylum lodged in one of the Member States of the European Communities (Dublin, 15 June 1990)
21. Implementation of the Convention determining the State responsible for examining applications for asylum lodged in one of the Member States of the European Communities (Lisbon, 11-12 June 1992)
22. Draft Convention parallel to the Dublin Convention (8 May 1992)
23. Conclusions on the transfer of asylum applicants under the provisions of the Dublin Convention (London, 30 November and 1 December 1992)
24. Implementation of the Dublin Convention - Transfer of an asylum applicant (3 June 1994)
25. Council conclusion concerning the possible application of Article K.9 of the Treaty of European Union to asylum policy (3 June 1994)
26. Resolution on a harmonised approach to questions concerning host third countries (London, 30 November - 1 December 1992)
27. Resolution on manifestly unfounded applications for asylum (London, 30 November - 1 December 1992)
28. Conclusions on countries in which there is generally no serious risk of persecution (London, 30 November - 1 December 1992)
29. Setting up a "clearing house" for the exchange of information (CIREA) (7 October 1991)
30. Establishment of a Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on Asylum (clearing house) (21 May 1992)
31. Guidelines for joint reports on third countries (3 June 1993)
32. Procedure for drawing up reports in connection with joint assessments of the situation in third countries (3 June 1994)
33. Circulation and confidentiality of joint reports on the situation in certain third countries (3 June 1994)
34. First activity report from CIREA to the Ministers responsible for Immigration (14 May 1993)
35. EURODAC: Progress report to Ministers by the Ad Hoc Group on Immigration (16 November 1992)
36. Conclusion on people displaced by the conflict in the former Yugoslavia (London, 30 November - 1 December 1992)
37. Resolution on certain common guidelines as regards the admission of particularly vulnerable persons from the former Yugoslavia (Copenhagen, 1 June 1993)
38. Recommendation regarding practices followed by Member States on expulsion (London, 30 November - 1 December 1992)
39. Recommendation regarding transit for the purposes of expulsion (London, 30 November - 1 December 1992)
40. Conclusion on Greater flexibility in the application of the provisions on transit for the purposes of expulsion (6 April 1993)
41. Recommendation concerning checks on and expulsion of third country nationals residing or working without authorisation (25 May 1993)
42. Setting up a Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on the Crossing of Borders and Immigration (CIREFI) (London, 30 November - 1 December 1992)
43. Budapest Conference to Prevent Uncontrolled Migration - Recommendations (15-16 February 1993)
44. Declaration by the Ministers concerned with immigration (Paris, 15 December 1989)
45. Declaration on principles of governing external aspects of migration policy (Edinburgh, 12 December 1992)
46. Declarations in the minutes of the Conference of Immigration Ministers of the Member States of the European Communities (Dublin, 15 June 1990)
47. Resolution on internal border controls (19 June 1984)
48. Information note from the Danish delegation concerning the discussions in the Nordic Passport Union (15 May 1991)
49. Implementation of the draft Convention of the Member States of the Community on the crossing of external frontiers - refusal of entry: conditions and rules of procedure (21 May 1992)
50. Residence permits (Articles 8(5) and 15(3) of the draft Convention on External Frontiers (10 September 1993)
51. Conclusions of the meeting of Immigration Ministers (Copenhagen, 1-2 June 1993)
52. Harmonisation of national policies on family reunification (Copenhagen, 1 June 1993)
Chapter 4
53. European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism 1977
54. Agreement between the member states of the EC on the simplification and modernisation of methods of transmitting extradition requests (1989)
55. Convention between the member states of the EC on the enforcement of foreign criminal sentences (1991)
Chapter 5
56. The Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985
57. Convention applying the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the governments of the states of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic, on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders (1990)
58. Protocol on the consequences of the Dublin Agreement coming into effect for some regulations of the Schengen Supplementary Agreement ("Bonn Protocol") (26 April 1994)
59. Agreement of 29 March 1991 between the governments of the Schengen states and the government of the Republic of Poland on the readmission of persons with unauthorised residence (29 March 1991)
60. The "Schengen acquis" 1990-1993
Compilation no.1
1. Convention between the member states of the European Communities on the crossing of their external frontiers
2. Declaration for inclusion in final Act
3. Commission proposal for establishing a Convention on Controls on Persons Crossing External Frontiers
Compilation no.2
1. Communication of the Commission to the Council on the abolition of controls of persons at intra-Community borders (Com (88) 640 final, Brussels, 7 December 1988)
Compilation no.3
1. Report from the Ministers responsible for immigration to the European Council meeting in Maastricht on immigration and asylum policy, SN 4038/91 (WGI 930) 3 December 1991
2. Report on the completion of the Maastricht programme on asylum adopted in 1991 (AD HOC GROUP
IMMIGRATION, Brussels, 19 October 1993 (03.11), SN 4512/1/93 (WGI 1654) REV 1, CONFIDENTIAL
Compilation no.4
1. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the security measures applicable to classified information produced or transmitted in connection with European Economic Community or Euratom activities (92/C 72/16) COM(92) 56 final (Submitted by the Commission on 26 February 1992) plus Statewatch article on its withdrawal
2. Public access to the institutions’ documents (Communication to the Council, the Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee) (93/C 156/05)
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