Euro counterfeiting
23 October 2006
Further reading
- SEMDOC: Framework Decision 2000/383/JHA on criminal sanctions for counterfeiting the euro
- SEMDOC: Regulations 1338/2001 and 1339/2001 on the protection of the euro against counterfeiting
- SEMDOC: Decision 2001/887/JHA on protection of the euro against counterfeiting
- SEMDOC: Framework Decision 2001/888/JHA on criminal records for counterfeiting the euro
- SEMDOC: Decisions 2001/923 and 2001/924 establishing ‘Pericles’ programme, concerning protection of the euro against counterfeiting
- SEMDOC: Decision 2005/511/JHA designating Europol as the central office for counterfeiting the euro
- Public register of EU Council Documents: counterfeiting of the euro