Ambulance Dispute
01 January 1991
Ambulance Dispute
artdoc May=1991
House of Commons written answer 14.12.89 Col.785
Mr. Spearing: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department
if he will initiate an inquiry into level of stress on police now engaged
in ambulance work and it effects on their future efficiency as police
Mr. Peter Lloyd: We have no plans to do so.
Mr. Corbyn: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department
what assessment he has made of the cost i police time and resources, for
each police authority area, of the ambulance dispute since September.
Mr. Peter Lloyd: The readily available information is that up to 8
December police forces had provided about the number of man hours shown in
the table in assisting the ambulance service in their areas.
Approximate number of man hours
West Midlands 8,200
Bedfordshire 5,900
Lincolnshire 1,500
Dorset 650
Derbyshire 6,800
Hampshire 3,500
Hertfordshire 12,200
South Yorkshire 4,400
West Yorkshire 570
Warwickshire 460
Surrey 450
For the Metropolitan police district I would refer the
hon. Member to the answer I have given him today in reply to
another question.
Mr. Corbyn: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home
Department what is the total number of police, per day, by
Metropolitan police division, employed on ambulance duties
since September.
Mr. Peter Lloyd: I understand that in the Metropolitan
police district from 8 November to 12 December the approximate
number of police officers by area employed on duties assisting
the ambulance service in each 24-hour period has been as
Approximate number of officers
Area Number
1 72
2 44
3 64
4 40
5 60
6 72
7 74
8 34
On each of 23 and 24 October the total was about 670
and on 7 November the total was about 830.