Austria: Nazis charged for letter bombs

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Two neo-nazis, believed to be part of the "Bavarian Liberation Army" (BAV), who claimed responsibility for a series of letter bombs over the last two years, went on trial in Vienna in September. Peter Binder and Franz Radl have denied being responsible for the letter bombs which were sent nearly two years ago. The men were arrested in December 1993 after ten devices were sent out to Austrians prominent in anti-racist activities. The attacks coincided with the trial of Gottfried Kussel, the leader of the nazi Vapo group, of which both men are members. The letter bombs injured four people. One of these was the Mayor of Vienna who lost half of his left hand after receiving a letter bomb at his home address. Two separate waves of letter bombs followed in October 1994 and June 1995. The BAV was also responsible for a bomb that killed four Roma in February. Independent 13.9.95.

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