Belgium: Child detention

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An investigation by a group of experts has described the detention of migrant children against their will in the Steenokkerziel asylum detention centre 127bis as "psychological child abuse". This follows a inquiry launched by two lawyers against the Home Affairs ministry. Two child psychologists, a child psychiatrist and a social worker were ordered into Steenokkerziel by the investigating magistrate and they talked to the Awada family as well as members of staff. Their report described the conditions in which the children lived as follows:

"...since they arrived in centre 127bis the children often ask when they can leave and why they are in prison when they have done nothing wrong. They are scared at night and constantly ask for their toys. When they take their afternoon exercise they are scared of the constantly watching guards. One day six year old Mariam Awada grabbed hold of the railing and refused to go back in. She was dragged in by the guards, she still carries the scars. A parent told of the anger and despair felt by his children when a guard threw the bag of crisps they had been given by their uncle into the bin."

The children have been denied the choice to eat meat because no attempt was made by the prison authorities to acquire halal meat. They have also witnessed riots as well as one inmate's suicide. This treatment has left psychological scars. 12-year old Ahmad Awada has retreated to an infantile state in which he has to wear nappies whilst Mariam suffers from temper tantrums and nightmares. The report also touched on the parents who had to watch helplessly as the condition of their children went down-hill.

The campaign for the Awada family has resulted in them being moved to an open asylum centre, though not yet to them being given permanent leave to remain in the country. In the meantime, the two lawyers pressing the case against the Home Affairs ministry are hoping that the Belgian state will be found guilty of child abuse, which would force them to free other children still detained in asylum prisons like Steenokkerziel.

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