Belgium: Files on unwelcome guests

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The Belgian Ministry of Internal Affairs has decided to put unwanted foreign visitors on file with the aim of preventing them from re-entering the country. This follows a series of incidents involving German "skinheads", including riots following an international football match between Germany and Belgium and the trouble surrounding the annual Diksmuide "iron Pilgrimage"(see Statewatch, vol 5 no 5). The task of identifying and placing individuals on file has been given to the "vreemdelingendienst"[gloss-foreigners service]. The aim of the exercise is to prevent "trouble makers" from re-entering the country or taking part in any mass-gathering in Belgium. Any marked foreigner who still manages to enter the country will immediately be deported. The Minister for internal affairs Johan vande Lanotte has compared the new policy to that already being practised against Belgian football hooligans :"They receive one warning and the full exclusion measures only come into effect after they have offended again only after they have offended again. The same system will be applied to foreigners. I have the impression that neighbouring countries approve of this." The measures are said to comply with the Schengen agreement notwithstanding the right of free movement established within the treaty. Article 96 of the treaty allows anyone who is considered a threat to public order to be excluded from other signatory countries. De Morgen, 8.8.95.

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