Belgium: Private security firms deporting

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An answer given by Minister Johan vande Lanotte in the Belgian Senate has revealed that the private security firm BUDD is still involved with deporting people on a regular basis although private security firms were prevented from being involved in government deportations in October 1996. Mrs Thijs of the Christelijk Volks Partij asked whether it was true that the Belgian national airline company, Sabena, was using BUDD to deport "sans-papiers" who had arrived in Belgium via Sabena. According to Mrs Thijs BUDD was taking people to holding centres in Abidjan before sending them back to their country of origin.

Minister Vande Lanotte confirmed that, although BUDD was banned from being involved with government deportations any person who didn't have the correct papers and who did not request asylum was the responsibility of the carrier to return to their country of origin. The authorities had no right of control in this matter. He also added that, although BUDD was banned from participating directly in deportations, they were still being used by the Belgian government to facilitate government deportations by making contacts in the various countries in which they operate.

Belgian Parliamentary sessions, 11.12.97.

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