BNP headquarters to close?

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The British National Party (BNP) has been instructed by Bexley council to stop using its premises in Upper Wickham Lane, Welling, south London, as an office/headquarters. The BNP originally obtained permission, from the then Conservative run council, to use the premises as a bookshop, despite tremendous local opposition. Once they moved in the building was transformed, taking on the appearance of an armoured bunker, and became the Party headquarters. It became the organisational heart of the BNP's "rights for whites" campaign which led to a spate of serious racist attacks in the area. The council's decision requires the BNP to "cease the unauthorised elements of their use and restore the property to its previous appearance". The BNP have said that they will appeal to the Secretary of State for the Environment against the enforcement order.

Bexley Council press release 5.9.94.

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