CARF is back (1)

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CARF is back
artdoc May=1991

The Campaign Against Racism and Fascism launched CARF as a separate and
independent magazine in February this year. For 11 years CARF was published as
a section in Searchlight magazine. The first editorial says that:

fundamental differences of approach between Searchlight and ourselves have
compelled us, albeit reluctantly, to break with the journal. It is a break,
however, because it was made on the basis of both principle and a careful
analysis of the developments of racism and fascism in the world today, that
gives us an opportunity to develop a more vigorous and responsive anti-racist
forum to co-ordinate and service the various anti-racist initiatives that are
taking place up and down the country.

The letter to Searchlight setting out the reasons for the break is printed in
full. The issue includes articles on Tower Hamlets (The Framing of the Asian
Community; Racial Attacks Outlined; East End Fascism); `From terrorist to
barbarian: the faces of anti-Arab racism'; Black war resistance; and Campaigns
and Reports -Chapeltown Defence Campaign; Cowley: SUS is back; Tasleem Akhtar
Memorial Committee; Children attacked in Oldham; Newham: Self-Defence; the
Caribbean Entry Refusals Action Group.
CARF, subscription ¼5 a year (six issues) from: BM Box 8784, London WC1N 3XX.

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